Ameticia Digital Marketing: Your Top Choice for Local SEO Services in the Philippines


Undeniably, businesses that target an entire country or small towns find it challenging to succeed at local search because of Google’s constant creation of new features on local business results. With today’s marketplace plus the people’s inclination to the advancement of technology, you cannot afford to rely on a single search element. You must learn to gain a complete local SEO strategy if you desire dominance in attracting new customers to your business instead of your competitors.

Our Local SEO Packages

One time payment of $2000

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If you have been stuck in a rut, with your ranking slipping and having seemed never to get ahead of the game, maybe it’s time for you to get a local SEO makeover and build a bigger and broader digital presence!

As a local SEO service provider in the Philippines, Ameticia Digital Marketing has seen it all, allowing you to reach the next level of search visibility. Our local SEO team is always up-to-date on the changes in local search. Our dedicated experts are committed to ensuring you dominate your locality and become known regardless if you are an up-and-coming business in the industry.



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What Is Local SEO?

Have you heard of SEO yet? Search Engine Optimization, or SEO, is the process of optimizing a website for Google search or other platforms to earn higher web traffic levels and improve the site’s visibility. There are many smaller strategies under the broad definition of SEO, one of which is local SEO.

Local SEO is optimizing a website to earn higher rankings in local search results. This SEO type targets people searching for businesses and services near or around their location. It helps you and your business appear in the “map pack” section of SERPs and be visible to potential customers when they do a local search.

You might have already encountered local SEO but not know it. 

Imagine this: You want to buy a new pair of shoes, you open your laptop and type “shoe stores near me” into the search bar. Three businesses in your area show up on your screen: you see their star ratings, how far away they are from you, and other helpful information. These are the businesses that have optimized their websites for local SEO.

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How Can Local SEO Help You?

As a business owner, you may think that local SEO is just for brick-and-mortar stores. It is true that if you have a physical store, local SEO can help drive customers to your door, but having that is not the only business that can benefit from this ranking strategy. 

Local SEO can also be highly beneficial for businesses that do not have a physical location but still want to target customers in a specific area. For example, if you are a plumber who only serves customers in your city, then local SEO can help you rank higher for searches like “plumbers near me” or “plumbing services in (your city).”

In other words, local SEO should be a crucial part of your marketing strategy to target customers in a specific geographic location.

What are the other benefits of local SEO?

Improve Visibility in Local Search Results

You can improve your chances of being found in local search results by optimizing your website with local SEO. Doing so includes adding your city and state to your title tags and meta descriptions. You also need to create location pages for each area you serve.

Boost Rankings in Google Maps

In addition to organic search results, Google displays businesses in its Maps product. These listings are called the “map pack” or “local pack,” which can boost your visibility and entice new customers. 

Increase Website Traffic from Local Customers

Once you start ranking higher in local search results, you will see increased website traffic from local customers. People usually click on a listing closer to them, which means you are more likely to get website visitors interested in your products or services.

Generate More Leads and Sales from Local Customers

A business’ ultimate goal is to generate more leads and sales. Local SEO can help you accomplish this by getting your website in front of more local customers. 

Get More Reviews

One of the most important ranking factors for local SEO is online reviews. Customers trust online reviews as much as personal recommendations, and research shows that positive reviews can lead to increased sales. 

If you want more reviews, you need to make it easy for customers to leave them. One way to do this is to add a link to your Google My Business page on your website. This will make it easy for customers already familiar with your business to leave a review. 

You can also send follow-up emails after a purchase or interaction and include a link to your review page. Finally, make sure to respond quickly and politely to any negative reviews that you receive. Following these simple tips can encourage more customers to leave reviews and improve your local SEO ranking.

Furthermore, here are some statistics that show how important local SEO is for businesses:

  • 97% of consumers go online to find local services, and 86% use a search engine when looking for a local business
  • 30% of all Google searches are seeking local information, and 62% of consumers disregard a business if they cannot search it online
  • 24.4% of all clicks go to the first result when you type in your location

As you can see, local SEO is essential if you want your business to be found online. If you’re not using local SEO, you might miss out on potential customers searching for your business, products, and services.

What’s In It for You?

No one ever wishes to be left behind in the digital age! People are looking for businesses close by, and they will never find your store if you are not there. Fortunately, with local SEO, you can put your business on the map and in front of your target market. 

When you need to be found, our team of dedicated experts will help your business stand out from the competition with local SEO services. By optimizing various factors that are influential in current search results for online visibility and relevance – we guarantee a successful campaign explicitly tailored around the needs of your industry or niche market and your desired ROI (return on investment). 

We start our local SEO strategy with an in-depth audit of your website and online presence to identify areas that may need improvement. Once we have a concrete understanding of where your business currently stands, we can develop a plan to achieve your desired results by helping you create or claim local listings, optimize your website for local search, and much more. 

Our Local SEO Services Include: 

  • In-depth Website Audit
  • On-Page Optimization
  • Citation Building & Management
  • NAP Consistency Management
  • Competitor Analysis 
  • Google My Business Optimization & Management

We are not just good at what we do; we are great! Our dedicated expert team has helped countless companies get ahead of their competition, so do not waste another minute stressing how you will effectively market your business online. Be visible on search engines now!

Invest in the future of your online presence with our cutting-edge local SEO services. We guarantee that you can reach new heights and become more marketable to potential employers or clients and all attention will be on you!