Ameticia Digital Marketing: Your Top Choice for Technical SEO Services in the Philippines

It’s no secret that content and links are the two most important things in search engine optimization. But these days, it takes more than having good articles on your site—tech-savvy web admins also need to work hard on your technical SEO so your website is guaranteed to be crawled and indexed by most search engines and would have a higher chance of ranking.


Ameticia Digital Marketing offers a full-service digital marketing that provides high-quality technical SEO services for small and medium businesses. Our dedicated experts work diligently to identify SEO improvements your website needs. Our commitment lies in helping you succeed, and we vow to work tirelessly to guarantee the success of your campaign.



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What Is Technical SEO?

Technical SEO is optimizing a website to achieve better search engine rankings. It involves improving the site’s architecture, code, and structure so search engine crawlers can easily index the site and its pages. Indexing refers to adding the website pages to its database to provide quick access when users type in relevant queries. Additionally, technical SEO provides great experience when users visit the site, further improving its ranking.

Some of the common technical SEO tasks include:

Optimizing Title Tags and Meta Descriptions

Both title tags and meta descriptions play important roles in helping potential customers find your content. Title Tags are your content’s clickable headlines, they act as an identifier in the search engine results pages (SERP), meta descriptions, on the other hand, help to persuade potential customers to click on your listing by providing more information that summarizes what your customers are expected to find on your page. Optimizing these elements can help improve a website’s click-through rate (CTR). 

Enhancing Website Speed and Performance

Website speed and performance are essential for a good user experience. A website that is slow to load or fails to respond quickly to user input may frustrate visitors and thus, cause them to leave. Moreover, Google now uses website speed as a key ranking factor, a slow website can hurt your chances of appearing in search results.

Fixing Broken Links

Broken links are links to pages that no longer exist. They are usually pages that show “404 Not Found” errors. Broken links cause harm as they prevent search engine crawlers from accessing essential pages on your website. It is vital to regularly check your website for broken links and have them fixed as soon as possible.

Improving the Site’s Structure and Architecture

Your website’s structure consists of your home page, categories, subcategories and other individual pages while architecture is how you organize the information you provide. Search engine crawlers can easily index a well-structured website, leading to higher rankings. In addition, a well-designed website is more user-friendly, making it easier for visitors to find the information they need. 

Ensuring That the Website Is Mobile-Friendly

In today’s digital age, people are usually on-the-go, having only their smartphones and tablets to access the internet. This is the key factor why businesses need to have mobile-friendly websites. A mobile-friendly website is designed to easily be read and navigated on a smaller screen. It typically has simplified layouts and larger font sizes. 

In addition, a mobile-friendly website can be configured to load quickly on a 3G or 4G connection. A mobile-friendly website is essential for providing good user experience and definitely helps in ranking well in Google’s mobile search results. A website that is easily reached through smaller screens can also help you reach a wider audience as more and more people use mobile devices to go online. 

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How Can Technical SEO Help You?

The foundation of all successful campaigns is technical SEO. Technical errors can hold your ranking back even with great content and links going back to your website. However, technical excellence is the key to ensuring that you are ranking as high on the search engine rankings list as possible.

Why do I need Technical SEO? 

Better Search Engine Rankings

Today, your website’s high ranking in search engine results is more important than ever. Great SEO means a higher ranking and higher ranking means more traffic to your website. More traffic typically leads to more sales or conversions. Appearing at the top of the search results also shows potential customers that you are a credible and reliable source in your industry, which can instill confidence in your brand and prompt them to do business with you. 

Furthermore, good SEO can help you stand out from the competition. In a world with millions of websites, setting yourself apart from the rest is necessary. By appearing in the first page of search engine results, you are more likely to catch potential customers’ attention and convince them to visit your site instead of your competitors.

Improved User Experience

If you are running a website, it is essential to provide a good user experience. Having a terrible experience with slow-to-load websites may lead your supposed customers to never come back.

Improving user experience affects how likely users will stick around and use your site in the future. It also impacts how users perceive your brand. If they have a smooth experience with your site, they are more likely to view your brand positively. Moreover, providing a good user experience helps you attract more visitors and build trust, leading to more traffic and potential customers.

Increased Traffic and Sales

Traffic is what brings potential customers to your website. Without it, nobody will know that you exist! Once people know your business, you need to convert them into paying customers – which is where sales come in.

There are many benefits to having traffic and sales. It can help you to make more and build your brand’s reputation. Additionally, traffic and sales can help you reach new markets and expand your business. If you can tap into new traffic sources, you’ll be able to reach new audiences who may want to be in business with you or avail what you offer.

Improved Brand Visibility and Awareness

Brand awareness and visibility are essential for any business. If potential customers can’t find your products or services, they will definitely not and cannot buy them, so improving your ranking on search engines can be beneficial. 

A high ranking means that your brand is more likely to be seen by potential customers, which can lead to increased sales and a whole new customer base. In today’s competitive marketplace, anything that gives you an edge over your rivals is worth considering, and improving your ranking is a great way to do that.

What’s In It for You?

Anyone who has tried promoting a website knows that getting found online can be a challenge. Millions of websites compete for attention, and unless you have a well-optimized site, your chances of being found by potential customers are slim. That’s where technical SEO comes in.

Technical SEO is the key to unlocking your site’s potential. By improving the technical aspects of your website, you can make it easier for search engines to find and index your content, leading to more traffic and attracting more visitors to your site. 

Technical SEO involves optimizing your website for both search engines and users, making sure your website is easy to find and navigate while also providing relevant and valuable content. Our dedicated experts can and will help you accomplish this by improving your website’s architecture, code, and content. 

Our process is well-crafted by experienced experts. We begin by auditing your website to identify any technical issues that may be holding it back from ranking higher in search results. Identifying the problem is key to providing a significant strategy. Our dedicated experts will work with you to develop a plan which may involve updating your website’s code, redesigning its navigation, or adding new content.

Whatever the approach, our goal is always the same: to help you achieve higher rankings in search results and entice more visitors to your site. 

We can make you more marketable to potential employers or clients. So if you’re looking to get ahead in the online world, invest in our technical SEO services.

We are here to make your life easier. Leave your Technical SEO worries to us and focus on what matters most, growing your business!