Ameticia Digital Marketing: Your Top Choice for Web Design/Development in the Philippines


In today’s technology-driven world, your website is often the first impression you make on potential customers. It is crucial to have a website that is not only aesthetically pleasing but also informative and easy to navigate.

As the first touchpoint between your business and customers, it is essential to ensure that when they arrive on the page, their eyes are greeted with excellence! That is where the web design and development agency can be of assistance. 


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What Is Web Design and Development?

Web design and development create a visually appealing website that is easy to navigate. Web design and development aim to create a site that reflects a company’s unique identity while providing potential customers with the information needed to decide whether or not to do business with you. 

Despite the frequent confusion between web design and web development, there is a difference between these two terms. Web design refers to creating a website’s visual layout, including the colors, graphics, and overall aesthetic. Meanwhile, web development is focused on making a website’s functionality, ensuring that all the links are working and that the site can be easily navigated. 

An in-depth definition of web design is the process of designing a website’s front end. It is concerned with how it looks and feels for your audience rather than what goes on behind closed doors or software features that help run websites smoothly. 

Web development can be described as building and maintaining websites; it is the process that brings your web design to life. It is about taking a website design and making it work on the web. Web development, therefore, is the process of actually building the website. It sets the foundation for everything from the design to the functionality.

The relationship between web design and development can be compared to that of an architect and an engineer. Both play an integral part in building construction, from planning, and designing to constructing the actual establishment. While web designers create a website’s layout and visual elements, web developers take the template and build the site’s functionality.

Furthermore, a website is like a physical store in many ways:

  • It has products that people can browse through and purchase.
  • It has a design and layout that determines where different products are placed.
  • It must be easy to navigate so that customers can find what they are looking for.

However, they are also different in a very positive way:

  • It is open 24/7, so you can shop at any time of day or night.
  • It typically offers a much more comprehensive range of products than a physical store, meaning you’re more likely to find what you’re looking for.

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How Can Web Design and Development Help You?

Customers anticipate businesses to have a presence online – and if you do not have one, you are missing out on valuable opportunities. 

How you put your website together is an essential aspect of its success. A harmonious blend between functionality and beauty will entice visitors to explore pages and support commercial efforts while being aesthetically pleasing. These factors make web design and development a potent marketing tool that can assist you in reaching your target markets and achieving your business objectives.

Our Web Design Package

Features Basic Advanced Premium
WordPress platform check-mark check-mark check-mark
Social Media Icons check-mark check-mark check-mark
Favicon check-mark check-mark check-mark
Design Template Based Template Based Custom
Mobile Friendly Design check-mark check-mark check-mark
Page Inclusion 5 10 15
Contact Form 1 1 3
SEO Ready check-mark check-mark check-mark
Domain & Hosting Set-up (ONLY) check-mark check-mark check-mark
Deployment turnaround time 4 working weeks 6 working weeks 12 working weeks
Revisions 3 3 3
Support Up to 2 months Up to 2 months Up to 2 months
Fee Starts at $650 Starts at $1200 Starts at $1500

Other Services:

Services Fee
Simple Logo Design $59
Complex Logo Design $79
Social Media Banners $39
Simple Logo + Social Media Banners $89
Complex Logo + Social Media Banners $109
Complex Web Development Project Starts at $4500

Benefits of Web Design and Development

Simplifies Navigation

With the ever-increasing competition within this industry, ensuring that your website offers an easy navigation experience is essential. Your target audience will find the information needed without difficulty, encouraging them to stay longer on your site. 

Achieving this goal can be done by having a well-thought-out website design that is easy on the eyes. The layout should be such that all the critical information is easily accessible, and the overall design should be simple yet effective.

Improves User Experience

The user experience (UX) is how a person feels when interacting with your website. Creating a positive UX should be one of your primary objectives when designing your website, as it can directly impact your business goals. 

While there are numerous ways to enhance UX, ensuring that your website loads quickly is crucial. Another way to enhance UX is by ensuring your website is responsive, meaning it can be easily viewed on different devices such as laptops, tablets, and smartphones. 

Additionally, your website’s overall design should be simple and uncluttered to allow users to easily find what they are searching for without becoming overloaded with information.

Encourages Social Media Engagement

Social media channels are excellent for establishing connections with past and present clients. To encourage social media engagement, you must ensure your website is designed for visitors to share your content easily.

You can do so by adding social media buttons to your website and incorporating share buttons into your blog posts and other pieces of content. In addition, you can also use social media widgets to display your latest posts or tweets on your website for visitors to connect with you on social media and share your content with their followers. 

Generates Leads

One of the main goals of having a website is generating leads, which can be done with web design and development. You can generate leads by engaging your website visitors to subscribe to your newsletters.

Moreover, you can use website pop-ups to display advertisements and reach a wider audience. They help grab visitors’ attention and encourage them to take action. Prominently displaying a call to action, pop-ups can prompt visitors to sign up for a newsletter, download a white paper, or take other desired actions. They can also be used to deliver important messages to visitors by informing visitors about a special sale or alerting them about new contents on the site.

Utilizes SEO to Your Advantage

Websites need to be searchable to guarantee a place on the internet. With millions of other web pages vying just as hard at ranking high up with Google, how can you ensure your website is noticeable? 

Search engine optimization (SEO) should be a key focus in any web design and development project, as it can help increase traffic to your website and improve your search engine ranking. Web design and development can help you create a website optimized for SEO and easy for search engines to crawl. 

Fosters Trust and Credibility

Your customers are constantly looking for trustworthy websites to help them with their needed information. Familiarity breeds trust, which is why it is essential to have an authoritative site. 

Including testimonials, customer reviews, and case studies on your website can also help build trust with potential and current customers. 

Web design and development can help you create a professional, trustworthy, and credible website. You can build trust with your audience and encourage them to do business with you by including the right content and design elements.

Boosts Sales

Finally, web design and development can also help boost sales. Incorporating e-commerce into your website can make it easy for visitors to purchase your products or services online. In addition, you can use web design and development to create a sales funnel that leads potential customers through the buying process. 

You may compel site visitors to act and make a purchase by combining the correct content, design, and functionality.

What’s In It for You?

Your online presence is your trump card against the competition. It is the achievement of your brand identity and your first interaction with potential customers. This makes it essential to consider all aspects of your web design and development carefully. 

Indeed, web design has come a long way since the cookie-cutter websites of yesteryear. Now, you need something that will catch people’s attention and make them want to learn more about your business! That is where Ameticia Digital Marketing comes into play with our creative ideas for designing custom logos or other aspects, like your website’s layout – all tailored towards one goal: making sure customers notice you when browsing online and looking at different options.

We firmly believe that a website should be easy on the eyes while providing relevant information about your company, products, or services. We also offer a wide range of services to help you create a website that meets your specific needs and goals. 

Together with you, our experts will understand your business better while creating a visually appealing and informative website. We will help you choose suitable colors, fonts, and images to create a unique website that reflects your brand identity. 

Here are some of the web design and development services that we offer:

  • Simple WordPress Setup
  • Hosting Set up
  • Domain Set up
  • Complex WordPress Setup
  • Logo Design
  • Social Media Banners

Make your dream website a reality with us! You would not believe the great websites we have designed for clients. From a basic blog page to an online store, our team is committed and dedicated – always ensuring that your expectations are met or exceeded! When you need us the most, we are more than prepared! If it is time to take things up a notch on social media (or whatever platform), count on us as reliable partners who will help get things done immediately without breaking a sweat.

Still trying to figure out whether you need web design and development yet aiming to make a lasting impression on the world? It is time for Ameticia to finally support you! It would be our pleasure to assist you with your website needs and take your company to the next level!